I don't usually post entries about pay per month software (mainly because I think its a joke, just another way to steal your money). But I couldn't resist SlideRocket. Its relatively cheep compared to some and seems to be a powerful alternative to powerpoint. I am most impressed by its ability to use flash files in presentations. This was an option in older powerpoint and keynote versions but has since been removed.
SlideRocket does have its limitations.
Cons: You need to be online, and the standalone presenter (not creator) is only available to the business clients.
Pros: Present online no software necessary, flash animations, all the fancy transitions, and online storage.
All in all, this online solution is marginally worth the money. I would like to see a online/offline alternative but over all its a powerful app. Check it out: http://www.sliderocket.com/
Update: Another user pointed out they do have a "Free" version. The free version doesn't have all the function of the pay version. These limitations essentially make the free version for me a toy and not really a replacement for anything. If you only need something quick and online check out the free version. If you are serious about presenting the pay versions are the only way to go.