Sunday, December 17, 2006

The Display Case Reaches Completion

Well... Its take a long time but its finished 100% complete several hundred dollars over budget and way over schedule. Nothing more to say except weeeeeeeeeeeeeee...

Sunday, December 03, 2006

The Semester is almost over!

Well, its that time again time for a week of late nights and long days. I have only one real class to finish up, my furniture special topics. I have spent most of my time teaching in a studio so I have lots to do. I will be glad when the weeks up but then its time to work on job applications and portfolios. More after a week...

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Whats NEXT ?

After my plane has landed and I get unpacked, what's next? Well its back to special topics mainly one, the bench project. Im working on getting a fullscale mock up of some of the parts, with limited time and budget this may be difficult. I wont go into to much detail now but I will upload some images what I am currently developing.

Banff; Canada CSCW 2006 Wednesday

I guess I should actually post some images from the conference.

Banff; Canada CSCW 2006 Wednesday

Well this is the last day of the conference, I seem to have spent more time doing the tourist thing and less time doing the CSCW thing, what ever that is. Over all the conference has been a success, lots of great speakers and some excellent food. Several days this week it snowed so we received an added bonus on top of the lovely location. Well now its just the flight home and the return to whatever was neglected.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Banff; Canada CSCW 2006 Sunday

More Pictures; I will probally get around to the conference tomorrow.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Banff; Canada CSCW Saturday

More Coming Soon!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Foxtrot's Geek Halloween Costume 2006

Im may have to change the name of this blog, some of these posts have nothing to do with architecture, but rather technology. I am a huge fan of Bill Amend and his foxtrot comic, and its time for the Foxtrot's scary geek Hallowe'en costume, 2006 edition. There are regular references to Apple and Tech, one of the best is the reference to the famous ipod commercials.

CSCW 2006

Well its conference time once again, im off to Banff Canada for CSCW 2006 (Computer Supported Cooperative Work). We have our plane tickets and are ready to go, well later this week. Some of the heavy hitters will be there Google, Microsoft, Intel, and the list goes on. So hopefully lots of conference goodies. More updates and goodies from the conference later.

Friday, October 13, 2006

ACADIA Conference

Well, ACADIA is almost over my presentation has come and gone, and exhibition of the work is open. Some of the work at the conference is the best I have seen, although sadly there is not much talk of sustainability. There seems to be more emphasis of algorithmic architecture, and not much on the inhabitation of space. Next year holds promise but that remains to be seen, hopefully sustainability will be more emphasized.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Yet More From The Display Case: Almost Finished

Well im almost done, i still have lighting and shelving to go but im almost done. Things never go as planned, I tried my best to keep things plumb and square but even a 1/32" screws things up. After days of fine tuning I finally finished the bottom and top panels. More to come soon.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

The Future Of Architecture

UPDATE: I recently met Tristan on October 12 at ACADIA where he presented his work. He in a lot of ways is ahead of where architecture is going. Im looking forward to collaborating with him and exploring the implications of robotics.

Robotics and building, two things that just seem to go together. It seems that every object created these days reacts to us in some way, now its architecture's turn. Imagine a building reacting to its environment breathing when it needs air moving when it need room, the possibilities are endless.,71680-0.html?tw=wn_index_1

Friday, September 08, 2006

InHabitat: GreenBuilding 101

The guys and gals at InHabitat have a great series on green building. The series includes: Material Resources Part(I&II),Design Innovation, Appliances Electronics and Energy Use,Eco-Power,Environmentally Friendly Lighting,Energy & Atmosphere Keeping cool and staying warm,Indoor Environmental Quality,Water Efficiency,Sustainable Sites,Location & Community. This is a must read for anyone that design's or builds.


Monday, August 21, 2006

More From The Display Case!

As promised more images of the approaching completion of the display case. All mayor components are finished minus the large flat bottom sections.

Monday, July 31, 2006

New Professional Website On The Way

Im working hard to get my new professional website online. The new website will have most all of my portfolio online so people can see what I do. As my schedule goes I will probably be a month or so but this is wishful thinking.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

More Progress

Im working to finish the display case. One side is almost finished that only leaves one to go and the center, about 200+ hours

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

ACADIA Here I Come!

Well good news, my paper on "ARRHYTHMIC SOUNDS" was excepted to be published and presented. The premiss of the research is that sound from the outside would i.e. outside the building or space can be used to help make isolated interior space more comfortable for inhabitants.

"Using music in these spaces has become commonplace. However, this research chooses to address sounds that do not mask the arrhythmic sounds of the world. These random sounds might break a person’s concentration, just as a bird flying by a window breaks one’s concentration. Even though these sounds of nature, vehicles, and people interrupt, do they give a greater sense of place than ambient music? Do these breaks in concentration help keep an individual oriented and aware of time while increasing both comfort and connection to the work being done?"

I wont go any further than that because the paper is lengthy but if anyone wants to know more just let me know. The one thing that has began to sink in is that i have to present my idea to several hundred people.........

Monday, July 10, 2006

In Case You Don't Know I Am A Mac Freak

To tell you some more about me, Im a Mac addict. I do most of my work on a Mac three to be exact but i do dreadfully own one dell pc that gets me by when I need it. My best computer is a old sawtooth that I salvaged from a friend and upgraded. I converted several years back and I haven't looked back. Now that boot camp is out the future of my dell is in jeopardy.