Friday, October 17, 2008

ACADIA 2008 Exhibition

Just a few Images from the ACADIA 08 Juried Exhibition.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

GrassHopper Workshop

One reason for attending ACADIA is they offer outstanding workshops. I had the good fortune of attending the Grasshopper Workshop (generative components for Rhino). The workshop alone was worth the trip. Below are a few things that we created. Keep in mind its more impressive in person.

You cant see it in the photos but by moving a single point in the model the curve will adapt to the location of the point.

ACADIA 2008, Silicon and Skin, Minneapolis Minnesota

The ACADIA 2008 conference has begun. I will try to update as the conference goes on... internet connection willing. I have created a Flickr group feel free to post photographs that are associated with the conference and or workshops.

ACADIA_08 Flickr Group:
Conference Website:

Photo By: Peter Theakston