Saturday, November 29, 2008
Mirrors Edge: Living on Roof Tops
For those of you who don't know I am an avid gamer... when I get the chance. I recently started playing a new game from EA and DICE Mirrors Edge. The games is based on runner(s) that carry incriminating data about the government to those who can use it against the government (Rough Description). That aside the game is stunningly beautiful you spend most of the game on the roof(s) of a utopian society ( which really isn't ). After playing this game I started wonder as designers how would we design if we lived above the city or at least on top of it. We spend 99% of our time far below in the shadows when we could live in the sky. I think we would see a lot fewer flat gravel roofs.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
GrassHopper Workshop
One reason for attending ACADIA is they offer outstanding workshops. I had the good fortune of attending the Grasshopper Workshop (generative components for Rhino). The workshop alone was worth the trip. Below are a few things that we created. Keep in mind its more impressive in person.
You cant see it in the photos but by moving a single point in the model the curve will adapt to the location of the point.
ACADIA 2008, Silicon and Skin, Minneapolis Minnesota
The ACADIA 2008 conference has begun. I will try to update as the conference goes on... internet connection willing. I have created a Flickr group feel free to post photographs that are associated with the conference and or workshops.
ACADIA_08 Flickr Group:
Conference Website:
Photo By: Peter Theakston
Saturday, May 24, 2008
The ultimate surf board, cheap, and recyclable. I would love to see other materials tried, can you image using 100% post consumer waste.
"When it came time to replace his old surfboard, Mike Sheldrake decided to build his own. But the former Web programmer didn’t have the sculpting skills to carve one out of foam the way professional builders do. So he used 3-D modeling software to design a snap-together deck that’s as sturdy as a conventional model and performs just as well, made from the cheapest material he could find: cardboard." VIA: (POPSCI)
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Catastrophic Wind Turbine Failure
I have what could be defined as a unhealthy love affair with the wind turbine, but even I had a blast watching one fail. Apparently the speed control which slows or stops the turbines in high winds, failed on this one... catastrophically.
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